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Trash War Card Game

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Cry havoc and let slip the junk-yard dogs of war!
What goes on in the junkyards when nobody is around? After the metal crushers shut down and the land movers roll back into their hangars, after the underpaid employees clock out and call it a night, that's when the knights arrive, dressed in shimmering armor, impassioned with chivalry and a taste for war. It is in the junkyards where these warriors find the tools for battle. And in the landfills, legends are born.
Dressed in shimmering armor and armed with catapults, makeshift weapons, and plenty of trash artillery, Trash War, a card game of medieval junk-yard combat, pits players against each other in a land-fill battle arena. This fast-paced game moves away from traditional turn-based play. Players follow the action, forming alliances and gutting out grudge matches while attempting to destroy each other's rampart walls.
“Trash War is the funnest game I've played in years. My kids ask to play it every night. We are addicted.”
- Jared Hess Writer/director of Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre
“Hucking garbage has never been this much fun.”
- Jerusha Hess Writer/Director of Austenland, co-writer of Napoleon Dynamite